Diehl & Phillips, P.A.
Consulting Engineers
Cary, North Carolina Call 919-467-9972
Diehl & Phillips, P.A. Consulting Engineers Gallery
Just a small sample of some of our latest design projects.
Emerald Isle - Pebble Beach Waste Water Treatment Plant
Holly Springs - North Carolina 12 Oaks Pump Station
Design Drawing (click to view)
Design Drawing (click to view)
Sea Isle Plantation North - Modifications to WWTP Carteret County North Carolina
Site Data
- The station was built in two phases. The first phase would be a duplex pump station with one pump producing a minimum of 1,250 gpm, the minimum flow required to maintain a 2 ft/sec. flushing velocity in the 16 inch forcemain.
- Phase 2 of the pump station will consists of the construction of a mirror image of the wet well and valve vault constructed in Phase 1, installation of the additional starters, and modifications to the station control panel. The Phase 2 pumps will be either identical to the Phase 1 pumps (if they are Flygt pumps), or the same model with a slightly larger impeller installed in all four pumps (if they are ABS pumps).
- After Phase 2 was constructed, three of the four installed pumps will deliver the required design flow rate of 2,320 gpm. The generator and transfer switch to be installed in Phase 1 are to be sized to start three pumps sequentially.
Site Data
- Influent bar rack for coarse solids screening
- Mechanically mixed Flow Equalization basin with 22,000 gallons of storage (40% of rated plant flow)
- Flow Equalization pumping and controls to maintain constant flow rate into plant
- Aerated sludge holding tanks with a total of 25,500 gallons of storage (46% of rated plant flow)
- Aerated Oxic zones with a total volume of 62,500 gallons (27.3 hours hydraulic detention at rated plant flow)
- Mechanically mixed Anoxic zones with a total volume of 19,000 gallons (8.3 hours hydraulic detention at rated plant flow)
- Clarifiers (227 gpd/sf surface overflow rate)
- Combined mixed liquor recycle and return sludge pump station
- Dual Cell Tertiary denitrification filter (1.0 gpm per square foot rate), with capabilities to feed a chemical similar to methanol
- Ultraviolet disinfection as required to meet the permit limits for fecal coliform
- Effluent pumping to existing LPP fields
- Chemical storage facilities for pH adjusting chemical (Sodium Hydroxide), to replace the alkalinity consumed in the nitrification process
Design Drawing (click to view)